简介:Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James. Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as DS Glenn Branson, Zo Tapper (Liar) as Cleo Morey, Craig Par...
Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James. Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as DS Glenn Branson, Zo Tapper (Liar) as Cleo Morey, Craig Par...展开
2.0 玛克辛·皮克///约翰·西姆///尼克·迈瑞莱格伦///夏莉·墨菲///茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森///马特·斯托克///艾米丽·比查姆///奥古斯图斯·珀如///安娜贝勒艾裴逊// Jim Cartwright //乔·达廷///鲁珀特·伊文斯// Anthony Flanagan / Chloe Harris / Ainsley Howard //大卫·莱尔///乔·阿姆斯特朗///斯科特·汉迪// Bill Jones / Amelia Young / William Grindey / Laurence/